
investment firm


The xTechSearch program provides non-dilutive seed prizes to small businesses to demonstrate dual-use technologies pertaining to Army needs.


Operating Status
Also Known As
Army Expeditionary Technology Search
Investor Type
Startup Competition

The Army xTechSearch program will provide non-dilutive seed prizes to select small businesses to demonstrate proof of concept of their dual-use technologies pertaining to Army challenges. The program will also drive to integrate these small businesses into the Army’s S&T ecosystem by providing research opportunities with Army labs, including authorized access to the Army’s organic intellectual and technical capital. Participating companies will have access to training, mentorship and other support infrastructure as they progress through the contest. The goal will be to best align solutions with real users and buyers within the Army. xTechSearch is an opportunity for businesses to pitch novel technology solutions – a new application for an existing technology or a new technology concept entirely – to the Army.