
investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
CatalyzeCU has made 14 investments. Their most recent investment was on Dec 1, 2020, when Kegstand, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Dec 1, 2020 Kegstand Non-Equity Assistant Brewing
May 30, 2017 Pastificio Grant Food and Beverage
May 30, 2017 The Space Research Company Grant Aerospace
May 30, 2017 Give and Go Film Grant Internet
May 30, 2017 V.I.Teacher Grant Banking
Jun 13, 2016 ShoeSense Running Non-Equity Assistant Fitness Yes
Jun 1, 2016 informu Grant Artificial Intelligence
May 15, 2016 Qualify LLC Non-Equity Assistant Apps
Jun 5, 2014 IconPulse Grant Analytics
Jun 5, 2014 Dynamic Measurement Solutions Grant Test and Measurement
Jun 5, 2014 QuintEssentials Grant Personalization
Jun 5, 2014 SolVia Solar Grant Energy
Jun 5, 2014 Shinesty Grant Fashion
Jun 1, 2014 Mallinda LLC Grant Industrial