Igor is a specialist in computer science with 15 years of IT experience, including seven years developing software for the enterprise. He is an expert in classic system architectures for OLTP. MDM. DIVH, OLAP. and 61 system classes, databases, as well as some specialized architectures for the fog computing and microservices. smart contracts and the blockchain. automated trading systems and microelectronics. He has finished several projects in Prognoz and EPAM. Igor Lebedev is the head of the SONM development team since July 2017. He has made a significant contribution to the product vision and development process. His expertise has helped the team to define and evolve a product strategy and technology stack off of which the SONM platform is based. Igor has built an outstanding developers team that moves forward the project and brings to the world the real working general purpose fog-computing platform. The product is already available as testnet MVP version. evolving according to the roadmap.