Tony Palcheck

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

In this role, he is responsible for identifying and executing strategic, minority-equity investments in start-up firms to accelerate access to new technologies, future markets, and developing talent for all Motorola businesses.

Prior to joining Motorola Ventures, Mr. Palcheck was a director in the Corporate Business Intelligence group at Motorola where he was responsible for identifying emerging technologies and researching potential investments, divestitures, acquisitions and alliances.

He joined the Intelligence group from Motorola's Cellular Infrastructure Group, leading the next generation cellular market requirements of research, forecasting and segmentation.

Mr. Palcheck earned an undergraduate degree in marketing and an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago, where he graduated with honors.

Mr. Palcheck serves as an adjunct professor of marketing at Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.


Number of Current Jobs
Tony Palcheck has 2 current jobs including Managing Director at Zebra Technologies , Board of Directors at Scanbuy and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Zebra Technologies Managing Director Nov 1, 2014 Detail
Scanbuy Board of Directors Detail