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Anders Erlandsson



As Senior Advisor at Ericsson ConsumerLab, Anders Erlandsson is responsible for analyzing consumer behavior, attitudes and trends to provide valuable and actionable consumer insights and forecasts and thereby develop strategies that generate revenue and improve the customer experience. Anders joined Ericsson in 1991. He has been a frequent speaker and panelist at numerous industry conferences and customer events. He has worked extensively with consumer insights is areas such as social media, privacy & integrity, mobile commerce and last but not least TV & media. In his TV & Media research, more than 100 000 consumers have been interviewed since 2010, in 33 markets globally. The latest edition of the report alone, represents the views of around 1.1 billion consumers. Anders Erlandsson is based in Stockholm, Sweden and has previously held various Product Management, Business Development, Sales and Marketing positions in Sweden and in the UK. He holds an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden.


Number of Current Jobs
Anders Erlandsson has 1 current jobs including Senior Advisor, Consumer Insights, Ericsson ConsumerLab at Ericsson , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Ericsson Senior Advisor, Consumer Insights, Ericsson ConsumerLab Detail