166 2nd Financial Services



166 2nd is Adam & Rebekah Neumann's family office, investing in innovative real estate, fintech, proptech, crypto & healthtech businesses.

  • 11 - 50


Founded date
Jan 1, 2019
Number Of Employee
11 - 50
Operating Status
Investor Type
Family Investment Office

166 2nd Financial Services is Adam and Rebekah Neumann’s family office, focused on investing in and launching innovative businesses -- with a current portfolio consisting of multi-family real estate and various venture investments including fintech, proptech, crypto and health-tech companies.


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
166 2nd Financial Services has made 4 investments. Their most recent investment was on May 24, 2022, when Flowcarbon raised $70M.
Date Company Name
Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
May 24, 2022 Flowcarbon
Series A $70M Blockchain
Mar 8, 2022 Alfred
Series Unknown $50M Home Services
Nov 15, 2021 Littio
Pre-seed $4M Cryptocurrency Yes
Apr 6, 2018 Selina
Series B $95M Communities