Inimiti is an Israeli venture capital firm that specializes in seed-stage new media investments.
Inimiti makes seed-stage New Media investments. They bring extensive experience in fund and company management from being entrepreneurs, CEOs and investors.
Their focus is Software platforms and services in the New Media space (Internet, Mobile and anything in between).
Its Name Inimiti, is a derivative of “inimitable” which means “something that is beyond imitation, something surpassingly excellent, unrivaled and exceptional.” We like to feel that way but more important, it keeps us on edge and reminds us every day about the high level of performance we are expected to deliver.
The company is at the beginning of a revolution in the way people communicate, consume content, shop, do business and manage their lives. The usage of Internet and mobile today, and their connectivity presents a tremendous opportunity to create successful companies that bring new platforms and services to the space. Combine that with today’s rapid development and deployment technologies and our start-up companies are getting to the market faster with less capital, and grow quickly into profitable businesses.