Bin Zhu


Primary organization
Primary Job Tile
CTO Co-founder

Over 20 years of experience in software development, former Cloud Department Founder of MindGeek and co-founder of Faimdata. Industry leader in Canada's tech ecosystem.Bin Zhu is the founder and CEO of Stratos Network and has over 20 years of experience in software development across multiple platforms and technologies. At Stratos, Bin is leading his team of experts to build the next generation of decentralized data mesh which enables the uses of blockchain technology across traditional and future industries. Before founding Stratos, Bin built MindGeek’s big data ecosystem, leading a team on how to handle petabytes of big data for increased revenue. A tech entrepreneur at heart, Bin also co-founded Faimdata, a company providing AI solutions to identify the true single customer view.Co-founder of Airwaive

Founded Organizations

Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Airwaive CTO Dec 31, 2019 Detail


Number of Current Jobs
Bin Zhu has 1 current jobs including CTO at Airwaive , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Airwaive CTO Detail